Bangladeshi Community in AC Observes Martyrs’ Day and International Mother Language Day 2025
By Subrata Chowdhury
19 posts
By Subrata Chowdhury
By Subrata Chowdhury / সুব্রত চৌধুরী
The website offers easy to understand videos and basic but vital information in six different languages.
The Atlantic City community celebrates Interntational Mother Language Day. In 1999, the 30th General Assembly of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) announced that Feb. 21, would be proclaimed as International Mother Language Day.
Lovingly Submitted by Subrata Chowdhury
Loving Submitted by Subrata Chowdhury
Three Kings Day, or the Epiphany, celebrates the day that the wisemen first saw baby Jesus and brought him gifts. Some Hispanic children, particularly those in Spain, get their presents on Three Kings Day.
By Subrata Chowdhury, Contributing Writer
সুব্রত চৌধুরী, লেখক