New and Old Artists Attend the AC Arts Foundation's Winter Mixer at the Anchor Rock Club

The two-hour event featured music, mingling, news about the Atlantic City Arts Foundation's s 100th Mural and more than 20 vendors of art and culture.

New and Old Artists Attend the AC Arts Foundation's Winter Mixer at the Anchor Rock Club
The Art Foundation Moved The Date For Their Winter Arts Mixer To Feb 26th as a snow storm was predicted last Wednesday

ATLANTIC CITY - On Wednesday, February 26, 2025, the Atlantic City Arts Foundation held their Winter Arts Mixer at the Anchor Rock Club on New York Avenue.

The two-hour event featured music, mingling, news about the Atlantic City Arts Foundation's s 100th Mural and more than 20 vendors of art and culture.

The Winter Arts Mixer was the idea of the Arts Foundation's current executive director Michael Atkins.

Michael Atkins on Stage at The Winter Arts Mixer

In his brief time heading The Arts Foundation, Atkins has made a priority of bringing the arts community closer, while expanding this community.

Michael Atkin discussing his role at AC

After speaking with Michael Atkins several times I was not surprised at the great turn out for The Winter Arts Mixer. Atkins' attitude is always welcoming. There was also no-surprise that the vendors at The Winter Arts Mixer comprised veterans of the Atlantic City Arts Community such as face/body/wall painter Heather Hires as well as brand new faces like poet/artist Sammy B.

It was a wonderful time to meet new people creating art and to catch up with some other creators who are working on projects for the spring and summer.

You can get more information on The AC Arts Foundation at

Here's a photo gallery from The Winter Arts Mixer

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