JERSEY GENTS Opening Reception on October 5th

"Jersey Gents" Reception Date Saturday, October 5, 2024 Time: 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

JERSEY GENTS Opening Reception on October 5th

NEWTONVILLE, NJ--"Jersey Gents," features a wide variety of works by local male artists. The exhibit opens October 1, 2024, and will be on display through December 27, 2024, at the African American Heritage Museum of South Jersey's in the Martin Luther King Center at 661 Jackson Road. The exhibit also is also a tribute to the legacy of late artist and South Jersey's own Leonard Wilkinson.

The opening reception for "Jersey Gents" will take place on Saturday, October 5, 2024 from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Newtonville museum. The reception is open to the public.

"Jersey Gents" is a multi-generational blend of talented artists who work with a variety of mediums. It is the first of its kind to feature over 20 New Jersey artists — curated by Gabrielle L. Peterson. Some artists will be exhibiting their work for the first time at AAHMSNJ and others will be returning to showcase new pieces. "Jersey Gents" artists include: German Acosta, Miko Beach, Desmond Blair, Patrick Freeman, Dr. Richmond Garrick, Ruben Garcia, Sidney B. Gary, Quinton Green, Todd Johnson, Mike Longo, Sahr Mortatay Songu-Mbriwa, John Morris, Aaron Pines, Melvin Smith, Lennox Warner and Romare Wilson.

The reception will also include the unveiling a portrait of the late Anne Glapion who was responsible for curating and promoting many of AAHMSNJ's art exhibits in Newtonville and Atlantic City.

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