Happy Birthday Sims! Cheers to the 25th Anniversary!
More than 70 in-game items and exciting updates are dropping in celebration of the Sims. Any Sims player, new or old, will be able to enjoy what's new!
L.L. Tyler is a member of the Boardwalk Seahawks marching drum corps of Atlantic City. She is an avid gamer and enjoys Splatoon 2, Animal Crossing 2, and a host of other video games that she plays on
More than 70 in-game items and exciting updates are dropping in celebration of the Sims. Any Sims player, new or old, will be able to enjoy what's new!
On July 19, 2024 Nintendo released the trailer for the final Splatfest of Splatoon 3. Atlantic City Focus reviews the Final Splatfest
The highly anticipated Nintendo Switch – OLED Model bundled with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Full Game Download) and a 3 Month Nintendo Switch Online Individual Membership will be available on Black Friday for $349.99.
If you decide to hit 65 Bleecker Street for the Catch'N Ice Cream Experience, you should know going in that Dylan Lemay isn't there all the time, but when he’s there it’s pretty cool.
Capcom is holding a closed BetaTest2 from Dec. 16-19. Applications for the lottery are now open.
Splatoon 3, NBA 2K23, Gotham Knights and Call of Duty Modern Warfare II will likely keep gamers busy this fall and through the holiday season.
The Splatoon 3 Twitter account gives glance at what's to come this September